I provide intuitive clairvoyant communication and healings.
Intuitive readings can range any topic your heart may desire to ask:
- Love and Relationships
- Career and Abundance
- Mental and Emotional Wellbeing
- Your path as a spirit in this world
Readings provide insight into unknown or hidden, as well as subconscious patterns or causes for circumstances in your life. As a spirit, your spiritual path may include some karmic balancing, releasing of past life attachments, and balancing current emotional and mental attachments to this world. A reading will focus on giving you insight into what those circumstances are, validating you as a spirit and recognizing your individual light and connection to Creator.
Healings may happen spontaneously as a result of readings, or can be given with energy to assist in moving any subconscious blocks, unknown patterns, or subtle energies from the body, mind, and emotions.
Readings and Healings can be done over the phone, via email, or in person.
Readings are available from 15 minutes up to one hour.